Dolphin : a open source software that allows you to build any kind of online community.
Posted On Thursday, November 15, 2007 at at 3:32:00 AM by Unknown
Best. Community Software. Ever.
YouTube, MySpace, Odeo, Flickr, Match and Facebook - all in one, customizable and under your full control. You're limited only by your imagination - not by software. Dolphin Smart Community Builder is a universal, free, open source software that allows you to build any kind of online community. With a huge variety of features & options, you can quickly develop your very unique and successful website.
Dating Software & Social Network Software.
Create dating sites, social networks, content sharing portals - you name it. Dolphin includes all the features of dating scripts and adds more. You just build the site of your dreams and deploy it instantly with the ease and elegance that only Dolphin can provide. For Free.
Open Source. Open Community. Open Borders.
Dolphin provides simple yet sophisticated tools to build your own community site, but you can go further - utilizing the open source and active support of the community will empower you to implement your wildest ideas.
Go For The World's Best.
Dolphin is a mature software with a superior upgrade history and Dolphin 6 takes it even further. We had 20 public beta releases before presenting it to you. It's our customer's community - our outer CEOs, who suggested most features and tested them. Dolphin is always in forward motion in terms of technology and research, and it outperforms all free and commercial dating, social networking and community scripts in functionality, popularity and public support.
10 Times More.
Just when you start thinking it was a marketing ploy, we say multiply it by 10 and you know what you'll get. Here's why:
- Actively developed and frequently upgraded for over 6 years.
- Experttzzz provide plugins, templates, cutom support and more.
- Dolphin is natively integrated with Ray and Orca.
- Tested publicly by BoonEx Blog readers and members.
- Used by over 20,000 community sites worldwide.
- Driven by our mission. Unite People.
OpenRealty is a free software real estate listing manager.
Posted On Friday, November 9, 2007 at at 10:55:00 PM by Unknown
Open-Realty® is free web based listing management application. It is intended to be both easy to setup and use. Written in PHP, Open-Realty® is designed to be a fast and flexible tool for your website. With a large open-source community working with this application, and solid management from Transparent Technologies open-realty is the top choice for use on your website.
Open-Realty® is released free of charge, to help support the continuing development please consider using Transparent Technologies for your web hosting provider. Transparent Technologies is owned by Ryan Bonham, the lead developer for Open-Realty®.
Download Open-Realty
Open-Realty® 2.4.3
PHP 4.3.0 or higher
PHP GD Support or Imagemagik is required for thumbnail creation.
MySQL (4.0.2 or higher) or PostgreSQL 7(may work with older versions but is not tested)
By downloading this file you are agreeing the the license terms.
Installation Directions:
Download Open-Realty® 2.4.3 (Released 9-19-2007) (Zip from here)
Download Xinha WYSIWYG Page Editor for Open-Realty® ( Zip from here) Last Update: 9-18-2007
Download FCKEditor WYSIWYG Page Editor for Open-Realty® ( Zip from here) Last Update: 9-18-2007
Download TinyMCE WYSIWYG Page Editor for Open-Realty® (Zip from here) Last Update: 9-18-2007
As of Open-Realty® 2.1.4 we are no longer packaging the Xinha or FCKEditor WYSIWYG page editors with the Open-Realty core download. If this is a first time install, you will also need to download these packages and upload the contents to your install, to be able to use the WYSIWYG page editors in open-realty.
To upgrade from any previous 2.x.x stable release, upload all files except the common.php file, you need to leave your common.php file intact. Then run the installer and select the "Upgrade from Open-Realty® 2.x.x" option.
Please note: As of Open-Realty® 2.1.x some addons for 2.0.x will not be compatible, this upgrade removes the "type" field from all listings and replace it with our new class system. Any addons built to use the "type" field will not work, until they are updated by the addon developer.
2.0.X Templates will need a few minor changes to them, also to be 100% compatible with Open-Realty® 2.1.
Open-Realty® 2.4.3(Full Changelog) - SVN Revision 1911
- Fixed a bug in teh 2.4.2 release with number formating caused by an development file being included in the release.
Open-Realty® 2.4.2(Full Changelog) - SVN Revision 1909
- Major rewrite of the upload functions including image handling and resizing. Several new configuration options relating to new image handling features
- Added support for admin defined charset. Requires template change to add {charset} template tags to main.html
- Fixed bug where user manager was not allowing agent's with permissions to edit users to add new users.
- Updated a lot of previously hardcoded layout items with flexible and compliant CSS code. May require copying the new 2.4.2 CSS code from the default template to custom templates to keep the default layout..
- Added {listing_field_FIELDNAME_block} tags to allow more ability to customize listing detail templates
- All WYSIWYG Editors have also been updated, see links above for latest versions.
- Many other changes were also done, please read the changelog for a full description of the changes
Open-Realty® 2.4.1(Full Changelog) - SVN Revision 1803
- Search Engine Friendly link Improvments.
- RSS Feed Imporvments. Feeds are now autodetected by browser. (Requires changes to main.html template for anyone running an old template)
- Fix upload issue with filenames that contain Accets
- Added more options to filter the edit listings page.
- Fix agents delete listing ability.
- Many other changes were also done, please read the changelog for a full description of the changes.
Open-Realty® 2.4.0(Full Changelog) - SVN Revision 1742
- FIXED: Google maps treats the entire string as a single address or location and will not attempt to provide directions if "from" or "to" are in the title This is related to bug/feature #920
- Fix bug with admins not being able to mark listings as featured unless they also had teh featureListings privilage
- FIXED: updated the edit profile function to properly handle password checks and checks of all the user fields to make sure they are filled out properly. This is related to bug/feature #905
- All listing images data can be updated at one time. This is related to bug/feature #348
- Added more options to filter the edit listings page.
- Added Basic RSS Feed support.
- Updated Adodb to fix issues with latest PHP releases
- Replaced Yahoo School and neighborhood info with and
- Many other changes were also done, please read the changelog for a full description of the changes.
Open-Realty® 2.3.6(Full Changelog) - SVN Revision 1645
- Password reset email fixed.
- Next_prev on listing page now fixed. Also now retains the search results page you came from so you can return right to that page of the search results
- Fixed broken ASC/DESC sorttypes in search results
Open-Realty® 2.3.5(Full Changelog) - SVN Revision 1641
- This contains a large number of bug fixes, see the changelog..
- This is likey the last 2.3.x release as work is now starting on 2.4.0
Open-Realty® 2.3.4 (Full Changelog) - SVN Revision 1596
- This contains a number of bug fixes, see the changelog.
- One major change is the action log now shows you multiple pages..
- There is also a nwe version of FCKEditor now, which is posted above.
Open-Realty® 2.3.2 (Full Changelog) - SVN Revision 1554
- SECURITY FIX: Fixed sql injection bug in
- New Tabbed Interface for Site Config
- Misc Code cleanup and bug fixes. SEE Full Changelog above.
Open-Realty® 2.3.1 (Full Changelog) - SVN Revision 1504
- Forum reported bug with the buttons on the search class page. This was fixed in vertical-menu a while ago but never copied to cms_integration.
- Roll version number to 2.3.1
- Added date conversion code for upgrades from 1.15 This is related to bug/feature #681
- Fixed sql error caused by selecting a zero in a min/max search. Only occured when there were multiple min/max selections made on search page.
- Added missing
- Added delete confirmation to user edit page.
- Changed submit buttons to use $lang['submit'] instead of hard-coded values. This is related to bug/feature #693
- Added code to convert existing dates to unx timestamps. Still need to add the code to the 1.15 upgrade file.
- Fixed agent image display bug on view users page. This is related to bug/feature #677
- Fixed forum reported bug with slideshow
- ADDED: removed the # on the slidshow and changed to javascript:; This is related to bug/feature #688
- Forum reported bug. Search results was using an OR instead of AND when multiple items were checked in a checkbox search.
- Fixed bug with date function. Date fields left blank were still getting converted to a timestamp and entered in db.
- Change in mysql version check.
- Fixed error on upgrade from 1.15b related to the vcard addition.
- Added option for vcards on view user screen.
- Removed / from listing titles for SEF URL's. This is related to bug/feature #670
- Removed from checkbox and checkbox_vert in search form rendering function. This is related to bug/feature #674
- Fixed bug in date display on search results page.
- Fixed bug in multimap function.
- FIXED: Bug where Contact Agent Link was not appearing on listing detail
- Added option to perform a text search against all fields in listingsdbelements. Just add {full_text_search} to the search page template.
- FIXED: Fixed page editor link capitalization. This is related to bug/feature #666
Open-Realty® 2.3.0 (Full Changelog) - SVN Revision 1478
- This release contains almost 100 changes. The big changes are virtual tours are now templated thanks Mick. The template engine has been speed up. (THIS CHANGE MAY BREAK SOME ADDONS. PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR ADDON DEVELOPER ). There have been way to may changes to list here, please read the the full changelog above for more details. Thanks to Mick and pbFlash for all their hard work on this release.
Open-Realty® 2.2.0 (Full Changelog) - SVN Revision 1394
- Ability to change main template based on wysiwyg page ID.
- Remote File get, now remvoes a few more bad char from the file name. This is not used directly in Open-Realty but some addons use it.
- Fix bug where search engine friendly urls from the featured listing to the listing detail page where missing the listing title.
- Added missing reference to map_country to common.php file.
This is related to bug/feature #530
- FIXED: Changed form name to contact_friend
This is related to bug/feature #532 - FIXED: Fixed the misspelled functions and code in and
This is related to bug/feature #540 - Added second and third address field to the map options.
- Fixed typo in function name in core file. Mick already corrected the calling page(s) function name, which caused an error as the core function was spelled wrong.
- Added Listing Title to Google Map. (Code in place for all map types to do this, just not sure if the others support it and have not had time to look)
This is related to bug/feature #492 - Added devel_mode install that will report db errors during upgrade/install, but allow the upgrade/install to continue. This should only be used to fix failed upgrades or by developers to upgrade SVN releases.
- You can now control page title, meta keyword, and meta description tags from the site config for all listing and standard pages. You can use {listing_field_FIELDNAME_value} and {listing_field_FIELDNAME_rawvalue} use rawvalue for items like home_features and the "||" pipes will automatically be converted to a "," comma.
- We used str_ireplace which is a PHP 5 only function. Changed to str_replace
This is related to bug/feature #542 - Added TinyMCE as a third WYSIWYG editor choice.
- Code cleanup and standardization.
- Upgrade ADODBLIte to 1.14
- Upgrade FCKEditor and Xinha to latest versions
- FIXED: Link for global maps were not showing..
This is related to bug/feature #534 - The search page now uses two css classes instead of hard coding the strong and align tags.
- user_id is now a valid tag to call from the admin main.html template
This is related to bug/feature #512 - Allow searching of any listing field from the edit listing screen to help agents/admin find listings.
- Class ID now shows on the Property Class scree in the admin.
This is related to bug/feature #558 - Fixed bug in horizontal featured listings template.
- User Manger Text now links back to the user manager when on the edit user page.
- Fixed bug in IE where nophoto image would not display.
- Added Distance From Zip Code Support the the search engine. This currently requires a custom table of zip/lat/long information.
- When there are no images for a listing, and use nophoto.gif is set to Yes in the site config the listing detail pages will now display a small nophoto.gif for the thumbnail image position.. and for templates that use a large main image a nophotobig.gif will be displayed in that location
- Deleting a user in the user manager now prompts with a confirmation about deleting the user and all of their data and listings.
- fixed a bug where additional "location on listing page" options were showing up as blank options on the edit listing template pages.
- Search Engine now support looking for fields that are empty or not empty.. For our purpose empty and NULL fields are the same. add fieldname-NULL=1 or fieldname-NOTNULL=1 to the search URL.
- Added ability to search for listings within a distance from lat_long. Requires Lat long information be on all listings.
- Added new field types for Lat and Long in the edit listing template section.
- When editing users from the user manager required fields where not actually being required.
- First/Last name now required when editing a user
- spelling of seleted fixed in selected options in admin area. Fixed spelling of the default email address in installer for new installs. Removed several unused lang variables.
- Added the new view agent template. This is a very bad template right now, it is jsut a copy of what we use to display. I will add more template tags down the road to allow this to be modified by the end users more.
- Change the way we detect the base path, to help fix windows install issues.
- links using pclass=# are now corrected to pclass[]=#
- fixed listing view function to correct error when saving featured listings
- When adding a listing as admin you can now select yourself for the listing agent. I also changed the selection option to use the first/last name of the agent the same as the edit listing function has been handling that same field.
- you can now use the {listing_images_java_caption} tag on the listing detail template to display the vertical column of listing image thumbnails with the image caption below each image.
- When deleting listings they were not removed from the classlistingsdb table.
- Fix bug in add listings page that was preventing users with a listing limit of -1 from adding listings.
- You can now search on last_modified date for listings
- Added tags to feature template to allow large image to be displayed.
- Added template tag for listing detail for {main_image_java_nodesc} Displays large java main image but without description under it.
- added delete confirmation to the property class editor.
- Increased the length of the listingsformelements_search_type field form 10 Char to 50. Added two new search types for NULL and NOT NULL searching on fields.
- Show Field Captions when selecting the map fields in Site Config along with the field names.
- Fix for search page if GET varialbe "listingID" is set.
- Fix cleanup_template_sections it was removing {} from Javascript, which it should now ignore as long as the end bracket is on a different line then the opening bracket..
- Reduce calls to Addons
- Fix SVN error where if you add a listing as an agent you were over told you were over your listing limit, even if you were not.
- Fix permission issue, agent fields were being displayed to anyone, no matter what the permission setting on the field was.
- Fixed some CSS validation errors in the Admin Template
- Added a check in the code and a JS check to make sure the user has selected a property class when adding listing fields.
- shows a count of listings in the current property classes. If no property class is selected it falls back to the old display_all_listing link
Open source software and hardware design for a solid state 24h ambulatory ECG monitor and analysis
Posted On at at 10:51:00 PM by Unknown
RSS channel news and changes on this site.
Electrocardiognosis (short: ECGNOSIS) is an ambulatory 24h ECG monitor, that is a device about the size of a dictaphone which a patient carries with him for a day and which records an electrocardiogram, continuously, for this period. The electrocardiogram is stored in RAM memory and can be later transfered to a Linux computer where it can be processed using the Electrocardiognosis analysis program. This kind of device is also called `a holter monitor' after the name of its inventor, Norman Holter.
Electrocardiognosis analysis software, firmware and hardware blueprints are free for use and development under the GNU General Public Licence, and only depend on open-source software. Below you can download the source code of the analysis program and of the firmware and transfer software. The other components will follow soon.
It used to run on Linux systems with svgalib or on MS-DOS systems. We recently adjusted it to run on Linux systems with X11. To compile, you will also need the following other free packages:
grx (local copy: grx23.tgz)
Radu Corlan, Marius Seritan, Dan Corlan.
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main screen |
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Asterisk : an open source telephony engine and tool kit.
Posted On at at 10:32:00 PM by Unknown
What is Asterisk
Asterisk is the world’s leading open source telephony engine and tool kit. Offering flexibility unheard of in the world of proprietary communications, Asterisk empowers developers and integrators to create advanced communication solutions...for free.
Asterisk® is released as open source under the GNU General Public License (GPL), and it is available for download free of charge. Asterisk® is the most popular open source software available, with the Asterisk Community being the top influencer in VoIP.
Asterisk as a switch (PBX)
Asterisk can be configured as the core of an IP or hybrid PBX, switching calls, managing routes, enabling features, and connecting callers with the outside world over IP, analog (POTS), and digital (T1/E1) connections.
Asterisk runs on a wide variety of operating systems including Linux, Mac OS X, OpenBSD, FreeBSD and Sun Solaris and provides all of the features you would expect from a PBX including many advanced features that are often associated with high end (and high cost) proprietary PBXs. Asterisk's architecture is designed for maximum flexibility and supports Voice over IP in many protocols, and can interoperate with almost all standards-based telephony equipment using relatively inexpensive hardware.
Asterisk as a gateway
It can also be built out as the heart of a media gateway, bridging the legacy PSTN to the expanding world of IP telephony. Asterisk’s modular architecture allows it to convert between a wide range of communications protocols and media codecs.
Asterisk as a feature/media server
Need an IVR? Asterisk’s got you covered. How about a conference bridge? Yep. It’s in there. What about an automated attendant? Asterisk does that too. How about a replacement for your aging legacy voicemail system? Can do. Unified messaging? No problem. Need a telephony interface for your web site? Ok.
Asterisk in the call center
Asterisk has been adopted by call centers around the world based on its flexibility. Call center and contact center developers have built complete ACD systems based on Asterisk. Asterisk has also added new life to existing call center solutions by adding remote IP agent capabilities, advanced skills-based routing, predictive and bulk dialing, and more.
Asterisk in the network
Internet Telephony Service Providers (ITSPs), competitive local exchange carriers (CLECS) and even first-tier incumbents have discovered the power of open source communications with Asterisk. Feature servers, hosted services clusters, voicemail systems, pre-paid calling solutions, all based on Asterisk have helped reduce costs and enabled flexibility.
Asterisk everywhere
Asterisk has become the basis for thousands of communications solutions. If you need to communicate, Asterisk is your answer.
Complete source code for the most current Asterisk release and Asterisk in Beta.
Asterisk 1.4
Blender : a free open source 3D content creation suite
Posted On at at 10:15:00 PM by Unknown
Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.
Blender 2.45 is the latest release from the Blender Foundation. To download it, please select your platform and location.

Blender 2.45 Installer (8 MB)
ILIAS : a powerful web-based learning management system
Posted On at at 10:08:00 PM by Unknown
- Individual Personal Desktop
- Course Management
- Group Management
- Repository with Role Based Access Control
- Learning Content (XML, SCORM, AICC)
- Standards Compliance (LOM, SCORM 1.2, IMS-QTI, AICC)
- SCORM 1.2 RTE Level 3 Certified
- Learning Progress Management
- Test & Assessment
- Survey
- Chat
- Forums
- Exercises
- RSS Support
- Podasting
- Google Maps Support
- Authentication (LDAP, Shibboleth, CAS, Radius, SOAP)
- Web Service Interface (SOAP)
ILIAS 3.7.9 (2007-07-26)
» Download and Release Information
ILIAS 3.6.10 (2007-07-26)
» Download and Release Information
Interact : an online learning and collaboration platform
Posted On at at 9:54:00 PM by Unknown
Interact is an online learning and collaboration platform designed with the intention of making it easy for students and lecturers to interact online. It focuses on constructivist and Vygotskian views of teaching and learning. The system has been in use at the Christchurch College of Education (New Zealand) for approx 18 months now, supporting approx 1000 sites and 3500 students.
Interact lets content be shared between course sites, so a lecturer can have the same content in many course, but only needs to update it in one place. Students and Lecturers can access all new course material and forum postings from one central place (no need to check every forum for new posts). Students can be given control of 'group' areas to add and manage their own material. Additionally, the system is flexible enough to be used as a full intranet/portal and not just for online course management
Last updated 30 Jan, 2004