Interact : an online learning and collaboration platform
Posted On Friday, November 9, 2007 at at 9:54:00 PM by Unknown
Interact is an online learning and collaboration platform designed with the intention of making it easy for students and lecturers to interact online. It focuses on constructivist and Vygotskian views of teaching and learning. The system has been in use at the Christchurch College of Education (New Zealand) for approx 18 months now, supporting approx 1000 sites and 3500 students.
Interact lets content be shared between course sites, so a lecturer can have the same content in many course, but only needs to update it in one place. Students and Lecturers can access all new course material and forum postings from one central place (no need to check every forum for new posts). Students can be given control of 'group' areas to add and manage their own material. Additionally, the system is flexible enough to be used as a full intranet/portal and not just for online course management
Last updated 30 Jan, 2004